A Nationwide Business with a Local Touch
As certified pedorthist and owner of the WalkEZStore, Kathy Carandang always says, “Better impressions make better orthotics.” In the summer 2013 issue of Living Well Indianapolis South magazine, Kathy talks about the design principles behind the ezWalker® Performance Custom Orthotic.
“Motion is critical to a healthy foot and body,” Kathy says. “If you decrease motion, you create atrophy. Function is motion, and proper motion is health. My casting method creates impressions of your feet that encourage better biomechanics, so you can walk your way back to health with every step you take.”
Most of the casting methods in use today mainly create ineffective orthoses due to the processes utilized to make foot impressions. ezWalker® Performance Custom Orthotics are designed on the principle of using the proper biomechanical positioning of your feet when creating an impression in the box of foam. By providing proper biomechanical support, ezWalker® custom orthotics help your feet function better while delivering better balance and stability.
The WalkEZStore is basically an Internet business that offers customized service for people both nationally and locally. To learn more, click here to read the full digital edition of the magazine. You’ll find Kathy’s article, “WalkEZStore – A Nationwide Business with a Local Touch,” on pages 26-27. Also, check out the BOGO discount deal at the end of the article that Kathy’s offering to customers who mention reading the article.