Got Worn Out Shoes? Time for a Footwear Checkup!
Is it time to spruce up your home both indoors and out? While you’re tidying up, why not take the time to do a footwear checkup? Over time, the wear and tear on your shoes can wear them out. When that happens, it’s time to replace them. Otherwise, your worn out shoes...
WalkEZ in a Goodman’s Shoes Fit with WalkEZStore Custom Orthotics
Walk Right In! Sit Right Down! Then Step Right Out in the Best Fit You’ve Ever Had! That’s right! We’re doing free foot gait analyses and evaluations at Goodman’s Shoes on Saturday, October 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Afterwards, you can try on...More People Buying Shoes Online
The days of just buying shoes at brick-and-mortar stores are over. For the past decade, more people have been purchasing shoes online. In fact, a recent article on Smart Company Australia’s website reports that the Australian footwear industry is experiencing a boom...Start Your New Life Together on the Right Foot
Summer and early autumn are popular seasons for weddings. If you’re a bride-to-be, you probably have a long planning checklist of things you need to buy or do: Purchase invitations Schedule the photographer Select and order a wedding cake Book a reception venue Buy a...13 Shopping Tips for Childrens Shoes
Back-to-school time is on us. Besides shopping for your child’s school supplies, you’ll likely be purchasing new childrens shoes for them to wear to school and gym class, too. If your kids are like most kids, they probably don’t like to go shopping for shoes....The Cost of Fashion Shoes – Foot Pain and Injury
Recently, someone sent a link to me about these L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stafani sandals. And the note read, “Not exactly an ‘arch support.’” Well, you can say that again! I feel shoes like these need to come with a tag saying, “Buyer Beware.” These shoes are nothing more...How to Choose Running Shoes
So, you’ve decided that you need to replace your running shoes. But how do you know what kind of running shoe to get? The type of shoe you select can be the difference between running in comfort or in pain. 4 Tips to Consider When Choosing Running Shoes Follow these...Extend the Life of Your Shoes with Proper Care
It’s officially spring! Do you know what that means? It’s time for spring cleaning. Not only is it a good time to clean your house, it’s a great time to clean out your closet and assess the condition of your shoes. By taking care of your shoes, you can protect your...Uggs Are Ugly to Your Feet
Sheepskin-lined boots, like Uggs and the various knock-offs, may keep your feet toasty in the winter, but they actually harm your feet. When Uggs were first introduced, they were a favorite among surfers. But in the mid-2000s, celebrities, like Britney Spears and...Happy Feet Mean Happy Trails
Hiking in the autumn can be an exhilarating experience. The leaves are brilliant yellows, oranges and reds. There’s a cool nip in the air. And the trail just beckons you onward. But most people don’t think about the stress and strain on their feet and ankles during a...Barefoot Running: What You Need to Know
Do you remember when you were a kid and how you used to love running around outside during the summer in your bare feet? Well, barefoot running has been increasing in popularity over the past five years. Advocates for barefoot running remind us that people have been...Are You at Risk for FOOT PAIN?
The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the earth in a lifetime. That is an enormous amount of wear and tear on the 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, ligaments and muscles that make up the foot.