Ditch Your Flip Flops! Proper Shoes Are Cool!

Ditch Your Flip Flops! Proper Shoes Are Cool!

During summer you’ve probably noticed that flip flops seem to be the only type of shoe people wear, especially young people. Sure, flip flops come in assorted colors, so you can wear them with everything. And their low price means you can afford to own a closet full...
14 Foot Care Travel Tips for Happier Feet

14 Foot Care Travel Tips for Happier Feet

Are you ready for summertime travels and adventures? Maybe you’re planning a day of fun at an amusement park. Or, perhaps, you’re headed to a national or state park for a trek in the woods. Wherever your journey takes you – a bustling city, a quiet country retreat, or...
Aging Feet:  How Age Can Affect Your Feet

Aging Feet: How Age Can Affect Your Feet

As we age, we may notice little things occurring like gray hairs, wrinkles on our face, or difficulties reading. Aging can cause many different physical and mental changes. But did you know aging feet issues can occur, too? With aging, over time, general wear and tear...
Got Worn Out Shoes? Time for a Footwear Checkup!

Got Worn Out Shoes? Time for a Footwear Checkup!

Is it time to spruce up your home both indoors and out? While you’re tidying up, why not take the time to do a footwear checkup? Over time, the wear and tear on your shoes can wear them out. When that happens, it’s time to replace them. Otherwise, your worn out shoes...
10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Feet

10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Feet

The holiday season can be hard on your feet. You’re likely on your feet and on the run often. Shopping for gifts. Decorating your home. Cooking and baking holiday treats. Going to holiday parties and dinners. All this activity can add stress on feet, leading to pain....
Get Amazing Health Benefits from Daily Walking

Get Amazing Health Benefits from Daily Walking

Walking is a physical activity that can help you maintain good health. Many healthcare professionals recommend walking for the many reasons. It’s easy for most people to do. Walking doesn’t cost much – just the cost of a good pair of walking shoes. And, it can provide...
12 Simple Ways to Nurture Your Social Wellness

12 Simple Ways to Nurture Your Social Wellness

Do you respect and take care of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Are your relationships with others meaningful? In times of need, do you have a support system you can rely on? The answers to these questions will tell you how you fare when...
How to Go Camping like a Pro

How to Go Camping like a Pro

Camping is enjoyable way to spend time in nature. You can camp overnight, for a weekend, or a longer trip. You can go to a favorite campground, hit the back country, or just pop up the tent for the kids in the backyard. Whether you’re a beginner or consider yourself...
10 Summer Safety Tips for Greater Outdoor Fun

10 Summer Safety Tips for Greater Outdoor Fun

Once warm, sunny weather arrives, family fun and outdoor activities rank high on the to-do list. Your days can fill up with swimming, golfing, playing tennis, picnicking, camping, and other activities. Also, summertime means taking time to get away for weekend...
9 Healthy Habits for Better Sleep

9 Healthy Habits for Better Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can make you grumpy and out-of-it the next day. Additionally, insufficient sleep can cause health problems like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. However, by practicing these healthier habits on a consistent basis, you...
Lower Extremity Pain Can Affect Your Sleep

Lower Extremity Pain Can Affect Your Sleep

Do you have pain in your back, hips, legs, or feet that’s robbing you of much-needed sleep at night? Lower extremity pain can be hard to deal with during the day and much less at night. If you’re not getting the sleep you need due to pain, it can be downright...
What Do You Know about Pain?

What Do You Know about Pain?

If you’re like most people, you probably would answer this question with “A lot.” But do you really understand everything to do with pain? Pain is a universal disorder. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is “an unpleasant sensory...
7 Remedies for Foot and Leg Cramps

7 Remedies for Foot and Leg Cramps

Have you ever been out for a run or drifting off to sleep when suddenly, without warning, the muscles in your foot or calf forcibly tighten up involuntarily? Foot and leg cramps, also known as “charley horse, can be quite painful. Typically, you have a to find the...
Haflinger Slipper Close Out Sale at the WalkEZStore

Haflinger Slipper Close Out Sale at the WalkEZStore

Now that the weather is getting colder, you’ll want to keep your feet warm during cold mornings or evenings. The WalkEZStore is having a close out sale on select varieties of Haflinger slippers. You may be a current wearer, who loves these comfortable German slippers,...
How to Get Moving with the Fitbit Culture

How to Get Moving with the Fitbit Culture

Did you know over one-third of Americans are obese? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), obesity can lead to serious medical conditions, like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It’s no wonder obesity is such a hot topic...
Why We Walk with a Heel to Toe Stride

Why We Walk with a Heel to Toe Stride

Have you ever been at the park and watched people walking their dogs? Dogs tend to trot along by walking on the balls of their feet with their heels up in the air. Whereas, people tend to walk by striking their heels first and moving forward by placing their feet to...
Build Foot Strength to Prevent Injuries

Build Foot Strength to Prevent Injuries

Did you know your abdominal muscles aren’t your body’s only core muscles you need to be strengthening? At a recent medical conference, Irene S. Davis, Ph.D., PT, FACSM, FAPTA, FASB, professor in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical...
Ride Safely – Follow Bicycle Safety Tips

Ride Safely – Follow Bicycle Safety Tips

Bicycle riding is a fun and a healthy way to stay active. However, whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a relative newbie, you need to stay safe while sharing the road with motor vehicles. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, each year about 2% of...
Runners: 3 Common Causes of Foot Pain

Runners: 3 Common Causes of Foot Pain

Your foot is an incredible machine comprised of bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles all working in harmony as you run. But, as a runner, you probably have a love-hate relationship with your feet. These feelings can be for several reasons. Maybe you’ve had...
The Ugly Facts about Varicose Veins

The Ugly Facts about Varicose Veins

When you look at your legs, do you see gnarled, enlarged veins? Or, do you see red or blue, short, jagged lines that look like spider webs? Regrettably, you probably have varicose veins and/or spider veins. Varicose veins affect half of all women – and men – 50 years...
5 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes Every Day

5 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes Every Day

Did you know that 80% of Americans don’t get enough exercise? Maybe that’s because it’s difficult for people to go from being couch potatoes to participating in (and sticking with) high-intensity workouts. However, walking is a low impact exercise that’s relatively...
7 Remedies for Foot and Leg Cramps

Stop Having Leg Cramps (“Charley Horses”)

Have you ever been running or about to fall asleep when the muscles in your calf suddenly tighten and become extremely painful? You’re having a leg cramp. Most people will experience a leg cramp at some point in their lives. If you suffer from muscle cramps, there are...
6 Bad Health Habits You Need to Break

6 Bad Health Habits You Need to Break

Did you set New Year’s resolutions for healthy living? Often when we create resolutions, we decide to ditch habits that we think are unhealthy. If you haven’t created any health goals for the new year, here are some bad health habits you may want to consider getting...
5 Signs of Children’s Foot Problems

5 Signs of Children’s Foot Problems

Did you know that the signs and symptoms of children’s foot problems can be subtle? Sometimes, your child may not complain about foot pain or even be unable to tell you what’s wrong. That’s why it’s easy for foot and ankle problems in children to go unnoticed....
How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

Do you always seem to have winter weight gain? A lot of people struggle with gaining a few pounds every winter, too. Do you wonder why that is? And what you can do about it? Why Does Winter Weight Gain Happen? When the temperatures drop and you must bundle up to go...
Build a Better Foundation for Your Body

Build a Better Foundation for Your Body

Just like the foundation of a house supports the structure, your feet are the foundation for your entire body. Your feet support your body as you stand, walk, run and jump. Your feet also absorb the shock that enters your body whenever the heels and balls of your feet...
6 Halloween Foot Safety Tips for Kids

6 Halloween Foot Safety Tips for Kids

For your little ghosts and goblins, Halloween can be an exciting night. After all, kids love to get dressed up in costumes and get free candy. But for all the fun that Halloween promises, hidden hazards can threaten your little ones’ feet, causing foot and ankle...
What Does Your Walk Say About You?

What Does Your Walk Say About You?

Do you remember the disco song by the Bee Gees, “Stayin’ Alive?” Two of the lines from the lyrics written by the late Robin Gibb said, “Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk.” Robin is right. You can tell a lot about people...
How to Prevent Childhood Falls and Injuries

How to Prevent Childhood Falls and Injuries

Kids love to run, climb, play and explore. But from the time your child begins to crawl through their school-age years, your child is susceptible to falls and injuries. Falls can cause minor bumps and bruises to more serious injuries requiring immediate medical...
Falls Prevention Tips for Seniors

Falls Prevention Tips for Seniors

Unfortunately, as people age, the risk of falling increases. According to the National Council on Aging, each year, one-third of seniors over the age of 65 falls. In the older population, falls are the No. 1 cause of injuries, resulting in over 2.8 million ER-treated...
Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon

On July 31, 2015, photographer Luke Taylor captured time-lapse photos of the rise of a full Blue Moon. These photos were taken 2-1/2 miles away from Cape Byron Lighthouse on Belongil Beach, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Taylor compiled these 1038 photos into...
Beat the Heat: Summer Heat Safety Tips

Beat the Heat: Summer Heat Safety Tips

While hot summer days offer lots of fun, you can overdo your fun in the sun. Being outside when temperatures are on the rise can lead to sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, sun stroke and worse. According to the Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between...

Choosing Sunscreen to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk

Most people think about wearing sunscreen when they’re outside during the summer. However, everyone should wear sunscreen every time they’re outside since the sun emits harmful UV rays all year round – even when it’s cloudy. But when you’re choosing sunscreen, do you...

How to Fix Your Ugly Feet

Are your feet less than perfect? Maybe they’re cracked, swollen, discolored, bent or bumpy? Below are 4 common causes of ugly feet and suggestions on how to fix these foot problems, so you don’t have to continue hiding your ugly feet in your shoes. Athlete’s Foot...

How to Avoid Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is a major problem in the U.S. In 2013, 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries and 800 deaths were caused by people driving while fatigued, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Driver fatigue isn’t just a problem for long-distance...

Athletes: Foot Blister Prevention Tips

If you’re an athlete, you’ve likely had to deal with foot blisters at some point or another. Even if you’re not an athlete, you’ve probably endured a blister after wearing a pair of ill-fitting shoes. So what can you do to keep from getting blisters? A Stanford...

10 Steps to Beautiful, Healthy Legs

Women everywhere look forward to ditching their long pants for bare legs during spring and summer. But what do you do if your legs look less than perfect? Here are some simple strategies to get healthy legs that you’re ready to bare during short skirt, shorts and...

The Myth of Breaking in Your Shoes

Have you ever had a Cinderella’s-evil-step-sister moment while shoe shopping? You know what I’m talking about – you try to squeeze your feet into a pair of shoes that are just too small for the size or shape of your feet. But instead of putting the shoes back on the...

Are You Suffering from Pump Bump?

Do you have a bony lump on the back of your heel? Is this lump painful, especially when you wear stiff, closed-heel shoes? You likely have a condition called Haglund’s deformity – otherwise known as pump bump. What is Haglund’s deformity?  Pump...

Arthrodesis Procedures and Vitamin D Deficiency

Do you suffer from painful osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in your mid- and/or hind-foot? To reduce your pain and improve your foot function, are you thinking about having an arthrodesis procedure – more commonly called foot fusion surgery? Well, if you...

10 Romantic Ways to Show Your Love to Someone

Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, a birthday or another special day, if you love and care for someone special in your life, you probably want to do something memorable to show your love for them, so they know how much they mean to you. But often we fall...

Sit Less, Stand and Move More

Have you ever kept track of how many hours you sit during the day? On average, most Americans sit about 13 hours a day. You may be wondering; why does it matter how much I sit per day? Research shows that prolonged sitting can actually be bad for your health. That’s...

Proper Foot Care for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, it’s important that you take care of your feet. People with diabetes are more vulnerable to having foot problems. Diabetes can lower blood flow to your feet. Also it can damage your nerves, causing pain or a loss of feeling. Poor foot care for...

Paleo Diet May Increase Gout Attack Risk

Many nutrition and diet experts promote high-protein diets to treat and prevent obesity. These high-protein diets have been shown to reduce body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors (risk factors that may lead to vascular conditions or the development of diabetes)....

Gait Speed Can Predict Mortality

Unfortunately, as we age, mortality can be predicted by looking at several factors. These predictors can include income, wealth, education, sex, marital status, and health conditions like cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. But recently,...

12 Preparation Tips for Competing in a Fun Run

Whether you’re a beginning runner or more advanced, 5K fun runs can be a great change of pace from your regular running routine. They get you outdoors instead of staying in bed or sitting on the couch. They’re a great fitness booster. They’re easy to run. And since...

Falls in Older Adults: New Ways to Predict Risk

Each year, one out of every three older adults (ages 65 and over) fall, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For patients with type 2 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy, up to 50% of these seniors have a fall-related incident. Falls in older...

6 Tips to Stay Safe this Summer

Photo credit: 123RF / Vilma BechelliIt’s summer! Time for travel and vacation. Time for swimming at the pool or your favorite swimming hole. Time for playing golf, tennis or other warm weather sports. Time for barbecues with family and friends. And, time for...

High Heels Can Lead to Instability over Time

Many women love to wear high heels. Perhaps you’re one of those women who can’t go a day without wearing a pair of your favorite high heels. But high heels can affect the shape and functioning of your feet. Additionally, a recent study published in The International...

How to Avoid Mountain Bike Injuries

Mountain biking has become a popular sport that involves off-road riding over paths that have variable surface conditions, such as rocks, mud or ruts. Mountain bike injuries are a part of cycling. Riders can achieve high speeds during the downhill sections which can...

15 Tips for a Successful Camping Trip

During the summer, there’s nothing more relaxing and enjoyable than being one with nature while camping. However, if you’re not properly prepared or something goes wrong, your camping trip can easily become a disaster. To ensure your trip goes smoothly and every one...

5 Times You Should Never Wear Flip-Flops

Summer is almost here. How do we know? While besides the temperatures getting warmer, everyone seems to be breaking out their flip-flips. But flip-flops can mess up your feet – as well as other parts of your body. Case in point: Last month, Brad Pitt appeared at an...

12 Gardening Safety Tips

Photo credit: 123RF / Alexander Raths Ah … spring. The grass is greener. The trees have budded and gotten leafy. The beautiful and aromatic flowers are in full bloom. This means it’s time to start planting your garden and thinking about gardening safety. While...

Do You Know the Benefits of Occupational Therapy?

Photo credit: 123RF/StylephotographsImagine you’ve injured your back while working. Or maybe you suffer from arthritis. You’re having problems performing simple, everyday tasks, like taking a bath, getting dressed, or driving. Maybe your injury or disability is...

8 Steps to Better Posture

Regardless of what you’re doing – standing, walking, running, sitting or sleeping – you’re using your back. If your posture or body position isn’t the best during these activities, you’ll experience increased stress and strain on your joints and muscles. And you know...

High Intensity Training: Benefits and Risks

Have you heard of CrossFit, Insanity, TRX or Tough Mudder? These are just a few of the numerous high intensity training programs out there (also known as high intensity interval training). Most high intensity training (HIT) programs include a mix of aerobics, core...

Importance of Regular Health Screenings

Photo credit: 123RF/convisumDo you remember that old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Well, this same concept applies to regular health screenings.Health care professionals believe that regular health screenings are important in fighting...

What’s Causing Your Foot Pain?

Photo credit: iStockphoto/paisan191Do your feet hurt when you walk? You might think you have a heel spur, but there’s more than one culprit that can contribute to foot pain. Could Your Pain Be a Heel Spur?A heel spur is caused by calcium deposits on the underside of...

Pamper Dry Cracked Feet

Photo credit: 123RF/Juriah MosinHave you noticed that your feet are rough with cracks on your heels? Or, maybe the skin on your feet is flaky or peeling? These are signs of dry cracked feet.Winter air can be especially drying when humidity levels in your home or...

Sedentary Lifestyle Can Be Deadly

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to be more physically active? Well, here’s some news that may get you up and moving more. Researchers found that sitting for long periods every day can significantly increase your chance of developing heart disease, diabetes...

Resolution: Live Free of Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain isn’t easy. While it may not be constant, it can affect your ability to perform your daily activities. And it can cause anxiety, depression, stress and other emotional responses that also interfere with your ability to work or do activities...

How to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays are here again – that most wonderful time of the year. But for a lot of people, the closer they get to the actual day, the less wonderful it becomes. Honestly, with all the decorating, gift buying, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, school programs, holiday...

12 Strategies for Healthy Holiday Eating

The holidays are upon us and you know what that means – 6 weeks of holiday eating – family dinners, holiday parties, gifts of cookies and candies, and a seemingly unending assortment of nibbles at the office. According to studies, excessive holiday eating can cause...

High Heels Elevate Your Risk of Painful Conditions

Do you suffer from pain when wearing high heels? If so, you’re not alone. 71% of women say they experience pain when they wear high heels, according to a 2014 American Podiatric Medical Association survey. But that doesn’t seem to stop women from continuing to wear...

Footbeds Versus Custom Orthotics

Have you been experiencing foot pain? Or, maybe, you’ve also been having pain in your knees, hips and back, too? You know you need to do something to relieve your pain. So you head to the nearest drug or discount store to check out the footbeds for sale. But what you...

Understanding Gait or How We Walk

Every day, the average person makes 5,210 to 7,192 steps, according to 2004 study. Walking is a vital function of our daily lives. We walk to perform daily tasks in our homes and at our jobs. We walk for exercise to strengthen our bodies and maintain our weight. But...

Preparation Can Make Hiking More Fun and Pain Free

There’s nothing more exhilarating than hiking on a crisp autumn day with fallen leaves crackling beneath your feet. But if you’re not prepared before you head out, your day of enjoying the changing colors of the leaves could result in the changing colors of your feet...

Pros and Cons of Buying Shoes Online

You need to buy a new pair of shoes. But you’re really busy at work or taking care of your kids, and you’re just not sure when you’re going to have time to get to the store. A couple decades ago, that might have been a problem since you would have had to make time in...

More People Buying Shoes Online

The days of just buying shoes at brick-and-mortar stores are over. For the past decade, more people have been purchasing shoes online. In fact, a recent article on Smart Company Australia’s website reports that the Australian footwear industry is experiencing a boom...

Too Small Shoes Cause Foot Pain

Are your shoes squeezing your toes? Or, maybe they’re rubbing against your heels. If this is the case, you’re likely wearing shoes that are too small (not to say that shoes that are too big, don’t cause foot problems, too). As the WalkEZStore has discussed in recent...

Shoe Fit: Are Your Shoes Too Small?

When was the last time you had your feet measured to learn your right shoe size? A year ago? Two or three years ago? Five or more years ago? If you haven’t had your feet professionally measured within the last year, there’s a good chance you’re cramming your feet into...

It’s a Fact – Our Feet Are Getting Bigger

Just like the rest of our bodies, our feet are getting bigger, too. The average shoe size has increased by two whole sizes since the 1970s, according to a recent study from the College of Podiatry in the United Kingdom which was cited in the Wall Street Journal. Since...

Playing Tennis? Give Your Feet Some “Love”

Tennis is one sport that you can play whether you’re young or old. However, regardless of your age, tennis can be hard on your feet and ankles. Tennis requires you to run a lot. You also must move from side to side or back and forth often. Additionally, the sport...

Is Foot Pain Throwing Off Your Golf Swing?

If you have sore feet, you know that playing a round of golf can be painful and challenging. You  could just ride around the course in a golf cart to alleviate the pain from walking. But, pain in your big toe, forefoot and heel can actually affect your golf swing,...

How to Stay Safe at the Beach

Are you heading to the beach this summer? A day at the beach can be fun and relaxing – frolicking in the waves, building sandcastles with the kids, sunbathing, napping, reading the latest novel or just watching people. But dangers also lurk at the beach. So before you...

7 Vacation Travel Tips for Happy Feet

The kids are finally out of school and on summer break. Naturally, your thoughts turn to summer vacation plans. Besides determining where you’ll go, what you’ll do and what you need to pack, you need to consider your feet, too. After all, you’ll be using your feet to...

Benefits of Physical Activity for Seniors

In the U.S., over 104 million adults are age 50+, according to AARP. Of these older Americans, up to 34% of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 and up to 44% of those 75 years old and over don’t participate in any type of physical activity per the Centers for Disease...

Are You at Risk of Osteoporosis?

Did you know about 52 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and low bone mass? According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is responsible for 2 million broken bones each year that equate to about $19 billion in related costs. And experts...

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