by Kathy Carandang | Mar 22, 2014 | Education
If you’re pregnant, you probably expect changes to occur to your hips and waistline. But did you know that pregnancy can also change the size and shape of your feet? It’s true. According to a research study done at the University of Iowa, pregnancy can lead to...
by Kathy Carandang | Oct 10, 2012 | Conditions
The Normal Gait Cycle As you walk, your feet and legs propel your body forward. During a normal gait cycle, your feet land on either side of an imaginary line that moves forward in the direction you’re traveling. You begin to walk with one leg extended in front of...
by admin | Feb 8, 2012 | General
Do you play sports? Football? Baseball? Tennis? If so, according to Podiatrist Steve Rosenberg, a solid, balanced foundation from the feet up is essential for optimal performance in your sport of choice. If your feet don’t maintain their proper position when you...