How to Get Moving with the Fitbit Culture

How to Get Moving with the Fitbit Culture

Did you know over one-third of Americans are obese? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), obesity can lead to serious medical conditions, like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It’s no wonder obesity is such a hot topic...
How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

Do you always seem to have winter weight gain? A lot of people struggle with gaining a few pounds every winter, too. Do you wonder why that is? And what you can do about it? Why Does Winter Weight Gain Happen? When the temperatures drop and you must bundle up to go...

10 Steps to Beautiful, Healthy Legs

Women everywhere look forward to ditching their long pants for bare legs during spring and summer. But what do you do if your legs look less than perfect? Here are some simple strategies to get healthy legs that you’re ready to bare during short skirt, shorts and...

High Intensity Training: Benefits and Risks

Have you heard of CrossFit, Insanity, TRX or Tough Mudder? These are just a few of the numerous high intensity training programs out there (also known as high intensity interval training). Most high intensity training (HIT) programs include a mix of aerobics, core...

Benefits of Physical Activity for Seniors

In the U.S., over 104 million adults are age 50+, according to AARP. Of these older Americans, up to 34% of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 and up to 44% of those 75 years old and over don’t participate in any type of physical activity per the Centers for Disease...

How to Start a 10,000 Step Walking Program

In our last blog post, we talked about how you can benefit from a 10,000 step walking program. Today, we’ll talk about how you can begin a 10,000 step walking program. 10,000 steps may sound like a lot, especially if you’re usually a sedentary person. Most sedentary...

Get in Shape with Aquatic Workouts

For some reason, exercising in the pool just doesn’t seem like work. It seems more like play. But water can be a great fitness tool. Some benefits you can gain from aquatic workouts include: Improved muscle strength and increased cardio intensity. Reduced risk of...

How to Stay Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Do you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? Are you used to be active but now your symptoms are keeping you on the sidelines? By talking with your doctor and playing it smart, you can stay active with RA. In fact, being active can do your body good. Your joints will be...

25 Tips for Getting Healthier

Have you been a couch potato all winter? Maybe you know you need to do something to get fit, but you’re just not sure what. Maybe it seems too overwhelming to figure out what to do. Well, before you head back to your couch and the remote, check out these 25 easy tips...

Participate in National Walking Day on April 3

Did you know that heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S.? One contributing factor is that we’ve become more inactive due to working more hours. However, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by exercising for at least 30 minutes every day. For this...

6 Reasons for Hiring a Personal Trainer

So did you make a resolution to exercise more this year? How’s that been going? Perhaps it’s time to consider working with a personal trainer. A fitness professional can create an individualized program designed to help you reach your health and fitness goals. They...

Make Your Fitness Routine Fun

Did you make a resolution to exercise more in 2013? So, how are you doing now that we’re halfway through January? Are you sticking with it? Or, do you just feel overwhelmed by the prospect of fitting it into your schedule and sticking to your goal? Well, staying fit...

Hip Health and Fitness

The aging process eventually causes bones and joints to become weakened and/or worn down. This makes adults more susceptible to joint pain and hip injury than when they were younger. Injured hips can require extended healing time since they are used for even the most...

How You Can Benefit from Water Aerobics

In the summertime, sometimes the days are just too hot to even think about going for a walk or run. So water aerobics can be a great way to get a workout without a lot of sweat. Water aerobics is a non-weight bearing, resistance and aerobic exercise that’s performed...

Nordic Walking Offers Health Benefits and Fun

Nordic walking has become a hot new trend in aerobic fitness. Nordic walking was first practiced in Finland as an off-season ski-training activity, but soon it caught on in the rest of the world as a new way to exercise. Nordic walking combines fitness walking with...

Seniors: Build Your Endurance, Strength, Balance and Flexibility

Did you know that if you’re 50 years or older, you can feel better and live longer by staying fit? May 30 is National Senior Health and Fitness Day. This day promotes the benefits of older Americans staying healthy and fit. Regular exercise can provide seniors with...

Get Physically Fit without Foot Pain

Did you know that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month? This national observance encourages people to get regular exercise and eat healthier since it’s important for your well-being. By being more active, you’ll gain several health benefits....

Chi Walking: Engaging the Body and the Mind

Now that the weather is turning nicer, you may be walking outside more. Walking is a great way to get and stay fit. But perhaps you’re ready to try something different. If you’d like to experience a mental, as well as physical, workout, you may want to try Chi...

Got Arthritis? Do Yoga

If you suffer from arthritis (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid), then yoga can help relieve your symptoms and promote relaxation. Dating back 5,000 years to ancient India, yoga blends physical exercise and mental relaxation or meditation practices. During yoga, you go...

Are You Resolved to Get Fit?

Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to get fit? Maybe you want to lose weight, have a better toned body or be more physically active. Regardless of your goal, your exercise plan doesn’t have to be an intense or painful endeavor. Plus exercise provides many health...

Is Weight Loss Your New Year’s Resolution?

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, then you’re not alone. About a third of all people who make resolutions want to lose weight as their primary goal. That’s because over 65% of American adults are overweight. Plus, many people pack on a few extra pounds...

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