Separate Foot Facts from Fiction

Until they start hurting, have you ever really contemplated how hard your feet work? During a normal day, the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps. Over a lifetime, that’s about four trips around the world. When you think about it, your feet are the unsung...

Give Thanks for Your Feet

Ok, you may be asking yourself, “My feet? Why should I be thankful for them?”Well, whether you realize it or not, your feet play a vital role in your daily life. They fulfill the important task of supporting your entire body as you stand, walk or run. How do they do...

How Many Arches Do You Have?

Cue the game show music … Do you know how many arches you have in your foot? One? Two? Three? If you answered three, you’re correct. Most people think they have a single arch in their foot, but you actually have three. These arches are the: Medial Longitudinal Arch...

Proper Arch Support Reduces Stress to Your Body

Did you know your foot contains 26 bones, 32 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons that hold it together, allowing it to move in a variety of ways? Your foot also has three arches that are supposed to work together to support your bones. The medial...

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