Happy Holidays from the WalkEZStore

Happy Holidays from the WalkEZStore

The WalkEZStore crew – Kathy Carandang, certified pedorthist, and Julie Lundin-Shadinger, customer service manager – wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   WalkEZStore Gift Certificates Available Know someone who suffers from painful foot conditions?...
7 Remedies for Foot and Leg Cramps

7 Remedies for Foot and Leg Cramps

Have you ever been out for a run or drifting off to sleep when suddenly, without warning, the muscles in your foot or calf forcibly tighten up involuntarily? Foot and leg cramps, also known as “charley horse, can be quite painful. Typically, you have a to find the...
Ride Safely – Follow Bicycle Safety Tips

Ride Safely – Follow Bicycle Safety Tips

Bicycle riding is a fun and a healthy way to stay active. However, whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a relative newbie, you need to stay safe while sharing the road with motor vehicles. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, each year about 2% of...
5 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes Every Day

5 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes Every Day

Did you know that 80% of Americans don’t get enough exercise? Maybe that’s because it’s difficult for people to go from being couch potatoes to participating in (and sticking with) high-intensity workouts. However, walking is a low impact exercise that’s relatively...
How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

Do you always seem to have winter weight gain? A lot of people struggle with gaining a few pounds every winter, too. Do you wonder why that is? And what you can do about it? Why Does Winter Weight Gain Happen? When the temperatures drop and you must bundle up to go...

Controlling Foot Odor Causing Bacteria

We’ve all known someone who has stinky feet. Heck, even you have probably had foot odor at some time or another. Foot odor can happen to anyone, but teenagers, pregnant women, the elderly, people with heart disease or diabetes, and people under a lot of stress are...

10 Romantic Ways to Show Your Love to Someone

Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, a birthday or another special day, if you love and care for someone special in your life, you probably want to do something memorable to show your love for them, so they know how much they mean to you. But often we fall...

Separate Foot Facts from Fiction

Until they start hurting, have you ever really contemplated how hard your feet work? During a normal day, the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps. Over a lifetime, that’s about four trips around the world. When you think about it, your feet are the unsung...

WalkEZStore at 2016 Indy Women’s Expo

The WalkEZStore will be at the 2016 Indy Women’s Expo on Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in the Agriculture Horticulture Building. As you know, we’re very focused on the...

12 Preparation Tips for Competing in a Fun Run

Whether you’re a beginning runner or more advanced, 5K fun runs can be a great change of pace from your regular running routine. They get you outdoors instead of staying in bed or sitting on the couch. They’re a great fitness booster. They’re easy to run. And since...

5 Times You Should Never Wear Flip-Flops

Summer is almost here. How do we know? While besides the temperatures getting warmer, everyone seems to be breaking out their flip-flips. But flip-flops can mess up your feet – as well as other parts of your body. Case in point: Last month, Brad Pitt appeared at an...

12 Gardening Safety Tips

Photo credit: 123RF / Alexander Raths Ah … spring. The grass is greener. The trees have budded and gotten leafy. The beautiful and aromatic flowers are in full bloom. This means it’s time to start planting your garden and thinking about gardening safety. While...

Understanding Gait or How We Walk

Every day, the average person makes 5,210 to 7,192 steps, according to 2004 study. Walking is a vital function of our daily lives. We walk to perform daily tasks in our homes and at our jobs. We walk for exercise to strengthen our bodies and maintain our weight. But...

Preparation Can Make Hiking More Fun and Pain Free

There’s nothing more exhilarating than hiking on a crisp autumn day with fallen leaves crackling beneath your feet. But if you’re not prepared before you head out, your day of enjoying the changing colors of the leaves could result in the changing colors of your feet...

Are You at Risk of Osteoporosis?

Did you know about 52 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and low bone mass? According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is responsible for 2 million broken bones each year that equate to about $19 billion in related costs. And experts...

Benefits of Walking the Dog

This week I saw a neighbor pushing a small dog in a dog stroller. I thought, “Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of walking the dog?” Today is National Walking the Dog Day. Why we need a special day to celebrate walking the dog, I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like...

10 Tips to Combat Cabin Fever

Are you getting cabin fever from all of this snow and cold? I know I am. I can’t wait for spring – only 33 more days until the official start. If a trip to Florida isn’t in your budget any time soon, here are 10 suggestions to help you survive cabin fever until the...

Measure Your Feet for Proper Shoe Fit

Did you know that Thursday (Jan. 23) was Measure Your Feet Day? No?? Well, I didn’t know it either. And, yes, it really is a recognized holiday. Although no one seems to know how it originated. But why not have a holiday recognizing the importance of measuring your...

Overcoming 5 Common Weight Loss Pitfalls

Did you set a goal to lose weight this year? How’s it going? Are you still working at it or have you given up? If you’ve given up, don’t beat yourself up about it. A lot of dieters get derailed. While every diet and dieter is different, there are some common pitfalls...

Relieve Your Tired, Aching Feet for the Holidays

After a long day of Christmas shopping or working and ringing up everyone else’s purchases, your feet can feel really tired and sore. Any time you spend long time periods standing, walking or running, you’re putting excess pressure on your feet which can result in...

Tips on Cutting Down Your Christmas Tree

For some people, an artificial Christmas tree just won’t do. They want a REAL Christmas tree. While some people may head to the nearest tree lot to pick out their tree, traditionalists believe “lot trees” won’t do either. After all, the majority of the trees on lots...

8 Ways to Pump Up Your Energy

With the holidays rapidly approaching and our schedules likely getting busier, you may feel your energy slumping more often. So what can you do to beat the mid-afternoon doldrums? And keep yourself from falling asleep at your child’s holiday program? Here are 8 tips...

Give Thanks for Your Feet

Ok, you may be asking yourself, “My feet? Why should I be thankful for them?”Well, whether you realize it or not, your feet play a vital role in your daily life. They fulfill the important task of supporting your entire body as you stand, walk or run. How do they do...

Relieve Pain – Get a Massage

There’s nothing like pampering yourself with a day at the spa by having a relaxing massage. Massage can reduce stress and anxieties, improve sleep, alleviate PMS symptoms, and boost your immunity. However one of the greatest benefits of massage is its ability to...

Fireworks Safety Tips

Today we celebrate Independence Day which commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Since Congress authorized the first fireworks display in 1777 to celebrate the 4th of July, Americans have reveled in celebrating the day with grand...

10,000 Step Walking Program: How You Can Benefit

The goal of walking 10,000 steps a day was popularized in Japan about 40 years ago. Think about it. The Japanese tend to be healthier than Americans. Besides eating a healthier diet of primarily fish, rice and vegetables, the Japanese walk more in their daily lives....

Are You Having a Flip-Flop Foot Fiasco?

From the pool to the office to an evening out on the town, flip-flops have become a summer staple. But wearing flip-flops for an extended period of time can cause you long-term orthopedic problems like plantar fasciitis.   Plantar fasciitis is a common, chronic...

5 Benefits of Drinking Water

Now that the days are getting warmer, it’s important to make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Not only does water help to keep you hydrated, the cells in your body need water to absorb nutrients and expel waste products.   While you can get water in...

4 Causes of Back Pain

Do you experience nagging back pain? A survey by the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center found that 80% of adults are troubled by periodic back pain and over half suffer severe pain that limits their daily activities for a week or more. Since treatments for back...

6 Reasons for Hiring a Personal Trainer

So did you make a resolution to exercise more this year? How’s that been going? Perhaps it’s time to consider working with a personal trainer. A fitness professional can create an individualized program designed to help you reach your health and fitness goals. They...

WalkEZStore to Be at the Flower and Patio Show

Are you tired of winter? Are you ready for spring? Then come to the Indianapolis Flower and Patio Show where you can check out over 40 extravagant showcase and exhibitor gardens. Plus, you can see the latest in hot tubs, swimming pools, water features, decks, outdoor...

How to Prevent and Treat Bunions

So you found a cute pair of heels – on sale. But they’re a tad bit too tight. And the store doesn’t have the shoes in a bigger size. Oh well, you think, I’ll get them any way. They’ll stretch. But did you know that you can develop bunions from wearing shoes that are...

10 Injury Prevention Tips for Marathon Runners

If you have been following the Olympic Games, today is when the women’s marathon will be run. However, the current women’s world record holder Paul Radcliffe won’t be participating in this event due to a foot injury caused by osteoarthritis. Running can be hard on...

Gymnasts: Protect Your Feet

Today marks the beginning of the gymnastics competition at the 2012 Olympics in London. As TV viewers, we marvel at the jumps, twists, and dance moves gymnasts perform, as well as their sheer strength and flexibility. But it is these same maneuvers that place these...

13 Shopping Tips for Childrens Shoes

Back-to-school time is on us. Besides shopping for your child’s school supplies, you’ll likely be purchasing new childrens shoes for them to wear to school and gym class, too.   If your kids are like most kids, they probably don’t like to go shopping for shoes....

Even Olympic Athletes Suffer from Foot Pain

On Friday, July 27, the 2012 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXX Olympiad, will begin in London, England. Over 10,000 athletes from 204 countries are expected to participate in the 26 sports with a total of 39 disciplines. The first ancient...

Don’t Let Foot Pain Ruin Your Vacation

Summer is a popular time to take a vacation. Some people want nothing more than to lounge around the pool or lie on the beach the whole time they’re away. Other people pack their vacation time with a constant stream of historical sites, museums and other places of...

Nordic Walking Offers Health Benefits and Fun

Nordic walking has become a hot new trend in aerobic fitness. Nordic walking was first practiced in Finland as an off-season ski-training activity, but soon it caught on in the rest of the world as a new way to exercise. Nordic walking combines fitness walking with...

Common Children’s Foot Problems

Are you aware that a lot of the biomechanical deficiencies of the feet are inherited? If you have problems with your feet, then you should look at your children’s feet – because not all children are born with perfect feet. Do your children have feet that look like...

Is It Time to Change Your Running Shoes?

Now that the weather is getting warmer, chances are you’ve probably started running again. But are you still wearing last year’s running shoes? If so, it’s time to check your shoes for wear and tear. Over time, with use, your running shoes can lose cushioning, shock...

Weed Out Foot Pain While Doing Yard or Garden Work

It’s spring! Depending on where you live, the trees and shrubs may be budding; the flowers may be blooming; and the grass may be growing greener and higher. Usually that means it’s time to start doing yard and garden work – mowing the lawn; putting down fertilizer;...

Extend the Life of Your Shoes with Proper Care

It’s officially spring! Do you know what that means? It’s time for spring cleaning. Not only is it a good time to clean your house, it’s a great time to clean out your closet and assess the condition of your shoes. By taking care of your shoes, you can protect your...

Shin Splints: Are Not What You Think

Are you a runner or a dancer? Are you in the military? Do you have a throbbing, aching pain in the shins of your legs? If so, you may have shin splints. Shin splints – also called tibial stress syndrome – are a common lower leg complaint, especially among runners,...

Chi Walking: Engaging the Body and the Mind

Now that the weather is turning nicer, you may be walking outside more. Walking is a great way to get and stay fit. But perhaps you’re ready to try something different. If you’d like to experience a mental, as well as physical, workout, you may want to try Chi...

Seniors: Increase Quality of Life with Proper Shoe Fit

Are you one of the 87% of older adults who suffer from foot pain? If so, then check your shoe size. At least a third of older individuals who have foot pain are wearing shoes that are either one size too big or too small. By wearing properly fitted shoes, you’ll not...

How to Relieve Your Aching Flat Feet

For the past few posts, we’ve been talking about overpronation, which causes the arches of your feet to flatten as you walk. If you suffer from flat feet or overpronation, you probably experience pain in your arches and the soles of your feet. Also, overpronation can...

What Is a Navicular Drop Test?

Do you suspect you’re knock-kneed? That is you overpronate (your ankles tilt inward too much) when you walk, causing your arches to flatten? Or, do you think you’re bow-legged? In other words, you oversupinate (your ankles tilt outward too much) when you walk,...

Increase Your Sports Performance with Custom Orthotics

Do you play sports? Football? Baseball? Tennis? If so, according to Podiatrist Steve Rosenberg, a solid, balanced foundation from the feet up is essential for optimal performance in your sport of choice. If your feet don’t maintain their proper position when you...

Uggs Are Ugly to Your Feet

Sheepskin-lined boots, like Uggs and the various knock-offs, may keep your feet toasty in the winter, but they actually harm your feet.  When Uggs were first introduced, they were a favorite among surfers. But in the mid-2000s, celebrities, like Britney Spears and...

Do You Have Flat Feet or Fallen Arches?

How do you know? Have you noticed when walking with wet feet across concrete or sand that your foot’s impression doesn’t appear to have an arch? Or have you had a doctor, podiatrist or certified pedorthist tell you have flat feet?  Your foot actually has three arches...

WalkEzStore.com at Indianapolis Home Show

Come to the Indianapolis Home Show, January 20-29, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and check out the WalkEzStore.com. We’ll be located at booth #338 in the West Pavilion. Show Hours:  Friday, Jan. 20 – 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21 – 9:00 a.m. to 9:00...

Even Santa Gets Sore Feet!

The WalkEzStore recently received this testimonial: Dear Kathy,  Each year, my feet and body take a beating during the days leading up to Christmas Eve.  I spend a considerable amount of time standing at my workbench, making toys for all the good little boys and...

Tips for Buying Women’s Dress and Winter Boots

The temperature is getting colder and soon winter will be here. And that means you need to buy boots for the season. Dress and winter boots come in so many styles that shopping for the right pair can seem like a daunting task. While you may want to look fashionable,...

Metatarsalgia Pain: Like Walking on Pebbles

Does your job require you to stand and/or walk extensively? Are you pregnant or overweight? Are you a runner or athlete that repetitively puts pressure on your forefoot? Are you a woman who wears high heels constantly? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions,...

Preventing Foot Pain during Pregnancy

You’ve found out that you’re expecting. Congratulations! But now you’re wondering what to expect while you’re expecting. One of the least anticipated problems that prospective mothers experience is foot pain. However, it’s a common discomfort during pregnancy, usually...

Is Foot Pain at “Fault” in Your Tennis Game?

Tennis can be hard on your feet and ankles since it requires a lot of running, side-to-side motion, sudden stops, changes in direction, and quick pivots. These movements, as well as the different court surfaces, can place a considerable amount of stress on your feet...

How to Properly Fit Your Shoes for the Best Comfort

Shoes are meant to support and protect your feet while preventing injury. But to accomplish this, they must fit well. Poorly fitted shoes can cause discomfort and foot problems like calluses, corns, bunions, and hammertoes. This guide will help you determine how to...

Pampered Feet = Pretty Feet this Summer

Your feet take a lot of punishment all day long. Consequently, they can end up looking dry and cracked. If you’re wearing sandals or going barefoot this summer, you want your feet to look their best. By following the tips below, you can rejuvenate your tired feet,...

Plantar Fasciitis: Avoid a Flip-Flop Fiasco this Summer

Now that the temperature has reached 90+ degrees, many people, especially teens and young adults, are sporting flip-flops. While flip-flops are certainly cooler and more comfortable to wear in the summer, they can cause a common, chronic inflammatory foot condition...

Heel Pain? Get Help!

The plantar fascia is the part of the foot that acts like a shock absorbing bowstring, supporting the arch in your foot. Plantar meaning the bottom side, and fascia is the name of the tissue in this area. Fascia is not muscle, not bone, not cartilage, not ligament, not tendon, it is a tissue all it’s own. This fascia tissue is made up of billions of tiny fibers similar to the fibers in a piece of elastic or Lycra. If the tension on that bowstring (fascia tissue) becomes too great, minute tears can occur creating pain and inflammation. The result is foot pain. Foot pain is no fun.

Are You at Risk for FOOT PAIN?

The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the earth in a lifetime. That is an enormous amount of wear and tear on the 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, ligaments and muscles that make up the foot.

We have Moved!

Our address is:

Vantage Building
720 Executive Park Dr, Ste #3000A,
Greenwood IN 46143

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