Do you find yourself having “senior moments?” Do you have problems with blurry vision when reading? Do you complain of aches and pains all the time? Do you chalk up these problems as just getting older? Well, these presumed signs of aging may not actually be due to getting older at all. They may, in fact, stem from health conditions that can be treated – and, in some cases, even stopped or reversed.
Below are three troublesome signs of aging that seniors may think are normal as they get older. However, instead of accepting them as a part of getting older, you should see your doctor to determine if these symptoms are a sign of a treatable health condition.
1. Memory Loss
Many seniors notice changes in their memory as they get older. They may forget a person’s name or can’t recall a word. They may search for items like glasses or keys, only to realize they were right there in front of them all along. Experts say these types of “senior moments” are normal, and older adults shouldn’t worry that they’re developing Alzheimer’s disease.
While age is a risk factor in the development of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, some memory issues can be due to other treatable causes. Some common conditions that can result in memory problems include:
- Alcohol abuse
- Depression
- Stress
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Dehydration
- Thyroid disease
- Sleep problems
- Minor head trauma or injury.
Also, medication side effects can cause memory problems.
Therefore, talk to your doctor to see if your memory loss is due to a medical condition. Also, ask your doctor or pharmacist to review all prescription and over-the-counter medications you take to determine if they are contributing to your memory issues.
2. Vision Problems
Your eyes change with age. Therefore, some vision changes are common with seniors. For example, many seniors have difficulty reading or seeing objects up close. Whereas, some older adults may see floaters or specks that drift across their field of vision. Additionally, numerous seniors may develop health conditions, such as glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, that can rob them of their sight.
However, with regular eye exams and early disease detection, seniors can improve their chances of maintaining their vision. In fact, many vision-related health conditions can be prevented and/or treated. Glaucoma can be treated before permanent vision loss and blindness occurs. Some damage from macular degeneration can be stopped. Cataract surgery can restore the sight of many seniors – and even give them better vision than they had when they were younger.
3. Weakness

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According to experts, we lose over 10% of our muscle strength every decade beyond the age of 50. Our genes can play a role in whether we lose muscle or not. But it’s also a matter that you need to use your muscles or lose them.
Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass and physical function. It is associated with weakness and loss of stamina in seniors. Generally, sarcopenia starts from age 40 on. However, it accelerates once seniors turn about 75. Sarcopenia is a common cause of disability in older adults. It can result in frailty, mobility problems, osteoporosis, falls, and fractures.
Sarcopenia is most often seen in people who are physically inactive. Therefore, regular exercise that includes aerobic and strength-training activities is essential in preventing the condition. By exercising regularly, seniors can help increase their independence and reduce their risk of falling. Talk to your doctor about the right exercise program for you based on any health conditions you may have, like heart failure or arthritis.
Some other ways to prevent sarcopenia include:
- Eat plenty of protein
- Increase your omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D intake
- Eat more anti-inflammatory foods
- Limit refined grains
- Watch your alcohol intake
- Quit smoking
Everyone Ages in their Own Way
While getting older can cause various signs of aging, it’s important to remember everyone ages differently. Plus, you can take certain steps to overcome common conditions that age may bring.
Seniors – ezWalker® Custom Fit Orthotics Reduce Foot Pain as You Age

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As seniors age, they may experience foot pain due to foot or common age-related medical conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and diabetic neuropathy. However, by wearing custom orthotics, like ezWalker® Custom Fit Orthotics, you can help reduce your foot pain. ezWalker® Custom Orthotics are bio-mechanically designed to evenly redistribute your weight on your feet – reducing any pressure that can contribute to the development of foot pain. Additionally, ezWalker® Custom Orthotics support your arches to provide greater stability and balance as you walk.
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Disclaimer: The information included in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Cover Photo: 123RF / Akhararat Wathanasing