Let’s be honest. Have you ever been to the doctor and you didn’t tell him/her about something you know you should have?
I think we’re all guilty of this at some time or another. It could be that you’re embarrassed. Or you feel rushed. Or you’re afraid of what your doctor will think about you. So you keep quiet.
But it’s important to be truthful when talking with your doctor, especially if you want to improve the quality of care you receive. And in some cases, telling your doctor the truth may even save your life.
Here are 6 things you should always discuss with your doctor.
- Your complete health history. In order to diagnose your health better and prescribe the best treatment for you, your doctor needs to know all of your background health information. This includes: a) All of the medications you’re taking, including vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. Some medications can interfere with the proper absorption of others or cause serious side effects; b) Major illnesses in your immediate family. Your doctor may want to have you screened for these conditions as a preventative measure, and identify possible steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting the same condition; c) Past surgeries – even if you were a child; d) current conditions and symptoms; and e) recent X-rays and medical tests.
- Substance abuse. If you smoke, drink excessively, and/or take illegal drugs, tell your doctor. He/she can’t accurately diagnose and treat you if you’re hiding this info. HIPAA privacy laws prevent your doctor from sharing your information.
- Diet and exercise. While this is a common thing that people aren’t always truthful about, being overweight or obese is linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases, like heart attack and diabetes. Talk to your doctor about ways you can develop better eating and exercise habits.
Issues with urination or bowel movements. People are often too embarrassed to talk about problems with peeing or pooping. Or if they notice blood in their stool. But these issues may be a sign of a more serious problem like colon cancer. Cancer that’s caught early enough is treatable. Otherwise, if you wait too long, it may be too late.
- Stopping treatment or medications. If you have stopped following your doctor’s treatment plan or you’ve quit taking your medications, tell your doctor. You’re not going to be punished. Your doctor can talk with you about other treatment options. If your medications cost too much, your doctor may be able to prescribe another drug that costs less.
- Seeing another health care practitioner. If you’re seeing another doctor, chiropractor, or an alternative healer, tell your doctor. It’s not going to hurt his/her feelings. Your doctor needs to know, so he/she can ensure the treatment plans
work together. Also, if you’re receiving medications from another practitioner, you want to make sure that you’re not going to have any drug interactions.
Foot Pain Isn’t Normal
Have you been experiencing foot pain? Maybe you think foot pain is just a way of life and there’s nothing you can really do about it. Painful foot conditions, like bunions, hammertoe and plantar fasciitis can be treated. Have your feet and gait evaluated by a certified professional. She can advise you on possible treatments.
One treatment option you may want to consider is wearing custom orthotics, like ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotics. These orthotic devices are designed to strategically raise the medial, lateral, and trans-metatarsal arches of your feet – providing you with proper biomechanical alignment and support. ezWalker® Custom Orthotics have been proven time and time again to actually realign and rebalance the feet in less than 1 year of continuous wear, providing better overall health while reducing the stress and strain on painful foot conditions.
For more information on how our custom orthotics can improve painful foot conditions, visit our website. Click here to order your pair of ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotics.
Because … when your feet feel good, you feel good.®