Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. But it can be really hard on your feet and ankles due to all the running, side-to-side cutting, sliding, ball kicking, or collisions with other players.
Some common soccer injuries and their treatments include:
- Toe fractures – Metatarsal fractures can occur when you kick the ball or another player, or when another player steps on your foot while running. A toe fracture will cause immediate pain and swelling. Your foot also may look deformed. But it may be 24 hours before you see any bruising. X-rays are usually needed to diagnose the fracture and determine how severe it is. Treatment includes immobilizing your foot with a cast or boot for 3 to 8 weeks, depending on the severity of the break. Some fractures may require surgery.
- Sever’s Disease – This condition, which affects the back of the heel near the Achilles tendon, can occur in children between the ages of 8 to 14 years. While a child’s bones are growing, athletic activity can cause the gastrocnemius muscle to pull at the attachment point of the Achilles tendon on the heel bone. This type of injury can occur due to over-training or playing on slick fields that cause the ankles to bend inward or outward as the foot slides. This injury can cause moderate to severe heel pain, which gets worse when running. Treatment can involve specific stretches for the heel, taping of the child’s foot, the use of posterior heel straps to restrict the movement of the heel, or the use of custom foot orthotics, like the EzWalker® Custom Performance Orthotic for children, with deep heel cups to help keep the heel in place. Severe cases may require x-rays to rule out other conditions, and your child may have to take a break from soccer and running until the injury gets better. Eventually the child will grow out of this condition once they’ve finished growing and their bones have fused together.
- Subungual hematoma – Blood can accumulate underneath the toenail due to the toes repeatedly hitting against the top of your soccer cleats. See your doctor if your toe looks deformed (which may be a sign that it’s broken); more than 25% of toe is bruised; you have intense pain; or the toe looks infected (the toe looks red, is hot to the touch and/or pus is present). Treatment involves elevating the foot, icing the toe, and the use of over-the-counter pain medications. In some cases, your doctor may have to drain the excess blood. You may also lose the toenail.
Ankle sprains – As the most common injury among soccer players, ankle sprains are caused by running on uneven surfaces, making sharp turns while running, colliding with other players, and twisting the ankle when landing from a jump. Sprains can vary in severity. The ankle often swells and bruises quickly. Treatment may include: icing to reduce the swelling; taping of the ankle; or wearing a walking boot or a soft cast for up to 3 weeks. You also may require an x-ray to rule out a fracture.
- Overuse injuries – Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis are two common repetitive motion injuries. Treatment may include: rest; icing; over-the-counter pain medications; stretching exercises; wearing properly fitted, well-cushioned shoes to reduce irritation on the plantar fascia or the Achilles tendon; wearing a night splint if you have plantar fasciitis; and the use of custom orthotics, like the ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotic. The ezWalker® Custom Orthotic keeps your feet in their normal position, controlling pronation and guiding your feet into a better biomechanical gait with every step you take. Proactive use of these custom orthotics can keep your Achilles tendon from twisting as you walk, as well as reducing your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. However, in some severe cases of Achilles tendonitis, you may require surgery.
The ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotic for Casual/Sport works in ALL types of shoes since it’s ultra thin and ¾ length. Plus, it comes with a 90-day, money-back guarantee. So, relieve your foot pain due to soccer-related injuries today. Order your pair of ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotics for Casual/Sport.
For more information on ezWalker® Custom Performance Orthotics for children, contact customer service.
Because … when your feet feel good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you play better.
Note: If your pain persists, this may indicate a more serious condition. See your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.